Midwest Precision Products (MPP) is now Ancra Cargo: Seatbelts for Pallets 


Orders Inside of the USA

First time customers are required to pay their first invoice in advance of shipment. In addition to a bank check mailed in advance of shipment, MPP will accept the following forms of payment:

Credit Card

MPP will accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express (no Discover). We must add a 4% bank fee to each transaction.

Wire Transfer

MPP will accept wire transfer payments. There is a $35.00 incoming wire transfer bank fee added to each invoice. Please contact MPP directly for bank information.

Upon completion of initial orders, customers may submit their credit references to MPP to request credit terms. Upon review of customer credit references, credit may be established at our discretion. Payment terms are net 30 days. 10 day payment discounts may be available, upon request.


We will ship most often using our customers preferred carrier, typically “collect” under their account number. We can also ship pre-paid and add.

We are contracted with UPS for smaller shipments; and, will seek the best available pricing for LTL shipments.

Orders Outside of the USA

USA Purchase Orders accepted outside of the USA must be paid for in advance of shipment. Payments may be made via credit card, wire transfer or bank check. Upon clearing of funds from MPP Bank, orders will be processed and shipped.

MPP maintains a $50.00 minimum order amount.

Credit card payments are subject to a 4% additional service fee for total order amount.

Electronic bank transfers require a $35.00 USD fee added to the total invoice amount, for USA bank incoming transfer fee charges.

Any standard, unused products that are returned are subject to a 25% re-stock fee.


MPP will pre-pay and add shipping charges to USA destinations only. Example: MPP will ship to freight brokers in Laredo, Texas to forward to Mexico destinations.

Shipments direct to destinations outside the USA must be arranged by the customer, paid for by the customer, using their account numbers.

Pedidos fuera de los EE.UU.

Los pedidos de compra en Estados Unidos que se aceptan fuera de los Estados Unidos deben ser pagados antes del envío. Los pagos podrán efectuarse mediante tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria o cheque bancario. Ya que se reflejen los fondos en la cuenta bancaria de MPP, los pedidos son procesados y enviados.

MPP mantiene un pedido mínimo de US$50.00.

Los pagos con tarjeta de crédito están sujetos a un cargo adicional por servicios del 4% sobre el monto total del pedido.

Las transferencias bancarias electrónicas requieren que se agregue un cargo de US$35.00 al monto total de la factura, por concepto de cuota de recepción de la transferencia en un banco en EE.UU.

Los productos estándar no utilizados que sean devueltos están sujetos a un cargo del 25% de reabastecimiento.


MPP únicamente pagará y agregará los gastos de envío a destinos dentro de EE.UU. Ejemplo: MPP enviará los productos a corredores de flete en Laredo, Texas para reenviar a destinos en México.

Los envíos directos a los destinos fuera de los EE.UU. deben ser organizados por el cliente y pagados por el cliente, mediante el uso de sus números de cuenta.